Be Casa Alcobendas is designed for those seeking a balance between urban life and the tranquility of a residential area. Choose the home that suits you best, designed and equipped to make you feel... See more
Calle de Perdiguera, 1, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid
Would you like to see Be Casa Alcobendas for yourself? Contact us, and we will be happy to arrange a tour.
At Be Casa, you will find a real home where you can enjoy the privacy, comfort and services you need.
From indoor and outdoor fitness rooms to get in shape, to a swimming pool and yoga classes to clear your mind.
If you move to a new city, become independent or there are circumstances that require you to move, Be Casa is the perfect place to live and meet people.
At Be Casa, you will meet people with interests similar to yours, with whom you can share communal spaces. That's the difference between living and simply lodging.
En Be Casa tienes espacios de coworking tanto interior como al aire libre, salas de reuniones donde trabajar, y espacios donde relajarte al final de la jornada.
With a business park just steps away and the city only minutes away, Be Casa is the perfect location for professionals like you, where you can not only share space but also common interests.
Choose the location, your ideal type of apartment, check availability, book... and pack your bags!
Be Casa provides a new model of short-term accommodation in Madrid: your own fully furnished apartment with a kitchen and private bathroom. Choose the one that works best for you.
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